You are a Star Being

Ice holds many codes and recordings of millions of years on earth. As more of the ice melts, our earth receives the wisdom of ancient civilizations of past. Our bodies are made up of particles and elements of the stars. It’s our home, where it all started. All elements of the universe come from the stars. We are mostly star dust it is what makes up 93% of us. The calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood...our universe, our planet, our bodies consist of particles of star dust that was born from an explosion of the stars in Gods creation. You are made of flesh and blood, yet originate from the consciousness of the stars. The ice holds this awareness. It holds the purity of the galactic rays of light. Activate your stellar consciousness now. Open those higher chakra gateways above your crown and anchor your higher awareness in. You are a star being having a human experience. You came to experience great love. Self love. Self acceptance for you can be no other than perfect. You are a being of the light. Ancient and filled with mastery. Remember who you are beyond your human experiences. As more love pours onto the planet and more of the true, pure rainbow rays bust through old barriers our bodies will shift into this higher awareness able to hold more light. Breathe the rainbow light in...for this is home. This takes you deep into your heart where your true intelligence lies. Here is where you activate your quantum DNA to live in harmony and optimal health. It activates the dormant stem cells, waiting now to be activated to rejuvenate, regenerate, and repair tired rogue cells for a healthy, balanced body. Allow this consciousness poring in from above and in the melting ice to know permeate you’re being. Just intend and it is. Connect to the pure organic source light and your higher self. Ask to speak to your quantum innate intelligence and ask that it begin to activate your dormant stem cells and  quantum DNA.. These stem cells go dormant at 1 day old. See these tiny microscopic stem cells begin to activate and halo with light. Ask that you raise you frequency and bring in the frequency to activate these cells now. See them halo and begin to fill with light. Send them to any area that needs healing. Any area you want to repair or rejuvenate. Now ask that your body upgrade to to the highest frequency it can hold at this time. To upgrade your organs and organ systems, your chakra and chakra systems. Now ask your body to go to zero point and reset. I will have MP3 meditations to amplify this activation by end of Feb. Can't wait to share it with you all. 

Much Love, 
