Fully Immerse Yourself In The Experience Through A Healing Session, A Trip, Or A Weekend Retreat

Mt. Shasta 2024 Retreat October 25 - 28th

Join me once again for the life transformative energies of Mt. Shasta and the Light City portal above it. 

This will be my 11th year working with Mt. Shasta. I find it a powerful and amazing place to bring in the new upgrades for our consciousness, our bodies, vibration, and clarity for our next phase on this earth. Join my team of masters for a weekend filled with laughter, activations, and mindful journeys of transformation. Meet likeminded people, that provide an opportunity to build lifelong friendships. Sunday we will have a special guest in the morning “The Stargate Experience”, providing a special treat of working with the stargate and its transformational 12D energy with Shima. Saturday night we will be in for a new treat of a Gong/crystal bowl sound bath with Ursala.  Sunday night we will have another transformational journey on the mountain to watch and get messages from our star brothers and sisters on top of the mountain.  

Receive Light Codes and information for the next phase on our journey with earth and her changes 
Continue working with the new root system through the Link chakra and Earth Star body templates that allow your light bodies to expand. 
2024 activations of DNA and expansion of new mitochondria for self-healing of body. 
Experience different Realms to help you open and expand into a higher state of consciousness 
Awaken more of your gifts, intuition, and purpose 
Enhance your spiritual evolution with Attunements, Activations, & Journeys 
Wipe all old patterns and templates and forget what you think you know 
Ursula Crystal Bowl Ceremony 
The Stargate Experience with the Stargate 

Join us on top of Mt. Shasta for connecting with our Star Families and calling in the lightship activity and sacred energy transmission 

Early Bird Price: Register and pay a non-refundable deposit before August 23rd, 2024 price is $777  (2-3 people to room). $400 non-refundable Deposit holds rate and your room. A Full payment for early bird price is due by September 22nd, 2024.  Rooms are limited so be sure to register early. Other lodging in the area is available but it is Fall so it gets very busy. 

Includes: Workshop, 3 Night Lodging, Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast & dinner, Sunday breakfast. Sunday we are including an extra treat hosted by the Stargate Experience and Saturday night Crystal bowl journey. Price without lodging for dinners & workshop is $500 early bird. 

After August 23rd, 2024 Price is $877 (2 people to room) 

Because we are renting out the whole hotel and we have to pay for your room if you cancel, there will be no refunds made after October 2, 2023. Before October 2, refund minus the deposit will be made in extenuating circumstances. 

Workshop at McCloud Mercantile Hotel from 5pm Friday to Sunday evening. Check out Monday morning by 10am.


I feel strongly that Mt. Shasta emits powerful energy and holds huge keys in the new earth shifts.  It really is like a meeting of the masters. So much will be activated both in the earth and in ourselves this weekend. We will bring in attunements and understanding that will allow you to download and receive necessary Keys, Templates, and Light Codes from this powerful dimensional vortex to expand and support the anchoring and integrating of your new expanded light bodies, new earth templates and grids. 

 We have been in deep emotional purges that have caused us to move deep into our subconscious and psyche. Going to places of clearing and letting go that we did not even realize were there. Diving deep into the ancestral lines and our old relationships, teaching us to shift our perceptions and views in huge ways. Witnessing our behaviors and reactions that are being presented as an opportunity to let all the old wounding’s and beliefs go and wipe our blueprints free. The energies permeating the earth right now are pushing us to now expand into new perceptions, new ways of being and let go of everything we think we know. To forget everything we have learned, and move into the void of transcendence. 

In this place we expand and bring new experiences into form and the knowledge of how to operate in them. The doorways into new dimensions open in places we have forgotten, and our consciousness expands and remembers all of our aspects of who we are, as well as, who we can become. 

 We step into higher conscious thought and begin to open up the geometry of higher states of being already encoded into our DNA. We realize that every person is a mirror or just another perception of ourselves. We can stand in the 5th dimensional viewpoint and see all the projections of ourselves from every angle and dimension. We then stand in our I AM and the unity of self. We then begin to really and truly understand the power of perception, love, compassion and just being. 

To truly know and understand self in unconditional love. 

To hold gratitude for our journey and what we face daily. 

 To be fearless in our expressions and what we want to experience next. 

To align our coherence with all that we are and the trinity of Spirit, Soul and body. 

Please come join me and other like-minded individuals for a truly unforgettable experience of expansion and transformation with Mt. Shasta, Light Cities, and the Masters!

Mt Shasta 2024: 10/25 Registration & Deposit
  • Mt Shasta 2024: 10/25 Registration & Deposit

Mt Shasta 2024: 10/25 Registration & Deposit

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Register and pay a non-refundable deposit of $400. This holds your spot at early bird pricing if paid before August 23rd, 2024. Pricing and more information soon. A Full payment for early bird price is due by September 22nd, 2024. You may request your own room for additional pricing with this deposit. Once single rooms are gone then will have to

Register and pay a non-refundable deposit of $400. This holds your spot at early bird pricing if paid before August 23rd, 2024. Pricing and more information soon. A Full payment for early bird price is due by September 22nd, 2024. You may request your own room for additional pricing with this deposit. Once single rooms are gone then will have to share rooms. Price includes: Stargate experience and Ursula crystal bowl journey there will be no refunds made after October 2, 2024. Before October 2, refund minus the deposit will be made in extenuating circumstances. We reserve right to change the program with substitutions at anytime.

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Early Bird Price: Register and pay a non-refundable deposit before August 28th , 2023 is $777 (2-3 people to room). $400 Deposit holds rate. A Full payment for early bird price is due by September 28th, 2023. Rooms are limited so be sure to register early. Other lodging in area is available but it is Fall so very busy. Before October 2nd may apply

Early Bird Price: Register and pay a non-refundable deposit before August 28th , 2023 is $777 (2-3 people to room). $400 Deposit holds rate. A Full payment for early bird price is due by September 28th, 2023. Rooms are limited so be sure to register early. Other lodging in area is available but it is Fall so very busy. Before October 2nd may apply for refund minus deposit of $300. After October 2nd no refund.

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Shasta 2024  Pay in Full
  • Shasta 2024  Pay in Full

Shasta 2024 Pay in Full

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Mt. Shasta pay in full early bird of $777 for Oct. 25th - 28th weekend 3 night retreat. Included is 3 nights lodging at Mercantile hotel, breakfast Saturday & Sunday, Dinner Friday night and Saturday night, Stargate Experience, Retreat and channels through me, and Crystal Bowl sound bath. We reserve right to change programs at anytime.

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15 Days in Bali August 31st-September 16th, 2024

Join us for 15 days in Bali known as the “Island of the Gods”. We will enjoy the sacred ceremonies, healings, temples, local culture, ancient villages and lush nature as we immerse deep into the wisdom of ancient Bali.

Details & Itinerary Below 

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