2022 Lions Gate

We have been in deep emotional purges that has caused us to move deep into our subconscious and psyche. Going to places of clearing and letting go that we did not even realize were there. Diving deep into the ancestral and our old relationships teaching us to shift our perceptions and views in huge ways. Witnessing our behaviors and reactions that are being presented as an opportunity to let all the old wounding’s and beliefs go and wipe our blueprints free. Spirit wants you to know that your relationships with others shift powerfully every time you come to view yourself in a higher way. As you grow here you begin to release the need for self-criticisms, and second-guessing what your intuition is telling you. You begin to release that feeling that you are not enough or that you do not matter or any other feelings of smallness that constricts your life energy. You have learned to be small, to be hidden, to just survive and blend in. Now you are being asked to break free! To empower yourself as your full Master-self. The being that came to lead the way and shine the light for others to follow. To step into your true power. The energies permeating the earth right now are pushing us to do just that as we begin to open the doorways to dimensions lost to us and begin to interact with them once more. To begin to really truly understand the power of perception, love, compassion and just being. To hold gratitude for our journey and what we face daily. To be fearless as we once were. Expansion of our higher understanding and consciousness is here. During the lions gate the 8\8 more of these doorways open and connect to our energy field. This will allow us to reach into our own reality and shift it to a more masterful blueprint. As we do these shifts in our bodies records and timelines the more we will step into our full fearless and courageous selves. Walking and reacting in a masterful way our reactions and perceptions.

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