Mentalism One of The Universal Principles

Wow in this very strange energy, the mind is going a bit rogue lol. When we are too much in our minds we create illusions and stories that take us down a rabbit hole We get lost in the marry go round of “what ifs”, and fears. We sabotage ourselves from the very thing our hearts want. We feel less than. We turn the energy back on ourselves with thoughts of I have to do this to be successful or more spiritual, or just more…. We are basically telling ourselves over and over again that we are failing or not good enough. Validating to ourselves the very tape of the past we are trying to let go of. These scripts of “No matter how hard I try, I am never enough”, or “something is wrong with me”, “I can never achieve what I want”, and “I am alone and not accepted”. This constant need to be perfect or achieve the next thing exhausts us and sucks our energy. To try to live up to some standard that doesn't even fit us, we are just told this is how you have to be, and we believe it. Its up to us to master our minds and begin a more loving script to ourselves. What if success is about understanding ourselves and what makes us happy. To allow ourselves to just be us, and see others just playing out their choice. One not wrong or right, just an experience. What if achievement is understanding that there are many ways to get there, what is the best choice for me. To let go of the pressure. To understand the many perspectives others mirror to us on a daily basis. That it doesn't have to be “my way”, and then place that expectation on those around me. To instead gain wisdom through those many perspectives around us, so that we don't have to play it all out ourselves. We can see through their eyes and experience and move along. Its like a picture…we don't have to be there to feel it, to understand it. To see all the potentials and possibilities and choose from a place of joy. Mentalism is one of the universal principles. To master my own thoughts and how I am speaking to myself…conscious or unconscious. If its not empowering me but tearing me down, how can I reword it. One of the tools I use, when I find myself down that mental rabbit hole…is to sit out in nature somewhere quiet, I turn my hand down towards earth and draw pure earth energy and source, into my hands, feet and legs…I then place my hands on my stomach and just breath this energy in. I go inward into my heart and I think about the story I'm telling myself…the illusion I am buying into and simply ask, “is this loving to me?”Does this bring me joy? If not then its a no. I am no longer going to put my energy on it. I then refocus on what brings me joy. What makes me smile and I focus there. I reset the mind into what empowers me, not that which makes me feel less then or failing. The more I do that, the more those old broken tapes and scripts are transformed and new empowered thoughts are brought forward into our cellular libraries to then rewrite them into the new beliefs. ❤️
Picture Arctic Henge iceland

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